Tag Archives: white people

Hiring a Hot Girl Sucks

28 Feb

Alright, so I’ll be 100% honest. I got these videos lined up to teach Korean, and these videos have already been done. Just search “How to say hello in Korean” and you’ll find videos with tons of hits already. So I’ve already got some stiff competition. But I’m confident in the scripts. I think they’re funny, they’re entertaining and they’re educational. I’m good with that. I just want one more thing to put my videos over the top. A hot girl.

Sexist or not, hot girls = clicks on youtube, and that’s what I want. But some of the potential actresses that I’ve come across for this project have been some real sour apples. Case in point, I met an attractive girl last weekend and asked her if she was interested in acting. She gave me a very positive response. So the next day I text her to tell her the details, but turns out she’s backing out. She goes on about how she’s already in media and there’s a certain level of professionalism that she wants. She also busted out the words “make up artist.” Wow. For YouTube? Excuse me but who the hell are you?

Maybe I’m just looking for the wrong people. These high end trophy girls are a pain in the ass. It’s what I get for categorizing people into pretty and not-pretty enough. I get it. I deserve it. I do feel like a jerk just asking some girls and not others about it. I’m just not confident in knowing what white people (a big part of my target audience) will like.

All I’m looking for is an above-average attractive girl with minmal acting ability and ability to speak Korean that white people will like. Is that really too much to ask?