Tag Archives: internship

First day filiming obangsaek

3 Jun

Today was the first day I was on production and it totally exceeded expectations. I didn’t do much but boy was it a great experience. I learned a lot not just about just film but also the process of documentaries.

Documentaries are basically about life. Human relations. And yes, that is true for life, but the challenge of docmentaries is to capture that human relation. Whether it be on film, audio, pictures or even written form, it’s all about the capture of that relationship.

Instead of trying to artificially construe a situation, it’s all about capturing the essence of that relationship.

And even if you wanted to construe a situation or scene it’s still about capturing genuine opinions and thoughts. And the important thing there is to make people comfortable. And how do you do that? Simple. Human relations. Build a rapport with your subject and you’ll be in the clear because once you have that relationship everything is genuine.

Life lessons from the film industry!